There's a very simple example here that I love sharing so that future clients, such as yourself, can get an exact view of how the money is made.
This example includes 70 products.
(This is the average amount of videos we record for each client, based on an equal number of products)
It's an extremely low-end example.
So, if you get this excited about this example - imagine where we can go with your business...
We record 70 videos for 70 different products.
Let's say half of the videos fail. They don't get approved. They don't hit the search. They don't appear on Amazon. Any silly reason that's never happened before but just enter it here.
And let's round down.
So we have only 37 videos doing what they're supposed to be doing.
It's never happened, but again, let's just say it did to you.
Now let's say each product makes only $5 per day in revenue/commissions for you.
Did you know that equals $67,525.00 paid out to you every single year going forward?
That's $5,627.08 every single month.
For something we did for you ONE-TIME.
For many of our clients this allows them to quit their day job, retire their spouse, send their kids to college, go on more than 1 vacation every 2 years... just off earning $5 per day on less than 40 videos that they didn't even have to film.
Now what if 45 of the videos hit? - $82,125 per year.
What if all 75 videos hit? - $136,875 per year.
What if you make $10 per day per product? - $273,750 per year.
What if we double the number of products? - $547,500 per year.
That measly $5-$10 per day doesn't look so small now, does it?
Do you see how this adds up really quickly?
There's no profit sharing. There's no fees out to Amazon. The money goes DIRECTLY INTO YOUR BANK ACCOUNT.
You have seen our clients are making over $10,000, $25,000 and some even over $50,000 per month - now you can see how the numbers add up.
Don't forget - the average consumer just like you and me take no days off from shopping!
This train runs 365 days a year.